The Register File

This is another easy hardware module. We want to create a small piece of memory that stores the values of each of our registers. Let’s jump right in and look at the module definition.

module register_file (input logic CLK, nRST, 
                      input logic WEN,
                      input logic [5:0] wsel, rsel1, rsel2,
                      input logic [31:0] wdat,
                      output logic [31:0] rdat1, rdat2);

We must include the global clock and reset signals to this module because it contains flip-flops. Our registers will always update their value on the rising edge of the CLK signal, and will always reset to zero on the falling edge of the nRST signal. This is a constant across our entire CPU and it simplifies the synthesis of our circuitry. On an FPGA the clock signals are carried on special wires, and putting logic gates between the clock source and flip-flops will cause a world of headache.

Let’s take a look at the code that describes these flip-flops. We’ll use a SystemVerilog construct called always_ff and specify the conditions when the code block should be evaluated (posedge CLK and negedge nRST). Using always_ff instead of the more common always is just a hint to the synthesis tool that we want to create a flip-flop inside this code block. If we mess up and don’t describe the functionality of a flip flop, the synthesis tool will complain.

logic [31:0][31:0] registers, nxt_registers;
always_ff@(posedge CLK, negedge nRST) begin
  if (nRST == 1'b0)
    registers <= '0;
    registers <= nxt_registers;

We’ve defined two variables on the first line: registers (which are the actual flip-flops of the register file) and nxt_registers (which is the value the registers should take in the next clock cycle). Both are 2d arrays of bits, which is at first a little confusing, but remember we want 32 words each 32 bits in length. In the code I wrote for my college course, I used custom types like word_t, but I’m not using that here for the sake of demonstration.

So we’ve created the code that updates the registers, but we’ve never assigned any values to nxt_registers. This is still fairly straight forward. Most of the time the next value for a register is the same as the current value. When our CPU needs to change the value of a register write enable WEN will go high and we’ll use the data provided by wdat to change the value of the register specified by wsel.

always_comb begin
  nxt_registers = registers; // default case
  if (WEN)
    nxt_registers[wsel] = wdat; // A write to the register file
  nxt_registers[0] = '0; // $0 is constant value

We’ve used an always_comb block here to guard against accidentally creating a flip-flop. If we describe logic that is impossible to implement without a memory element, our synthesis tool will complain. The synthesis tools are smart enough to recognize that register zero will always have a value of zero. Even though we’ve explicitly described a flip-flop for that register, the synthesis tools will optimize it away. This is our first deception of the programmer. The ISA promised 32 registers, but only 31 will exist in hardware.

We’re almost done with the register file; all that remains now is to define the outputs. The syntax here is very simple; it looks identical to an array index in C. But remember these are wires, not variables! The circuit that each line describes is a multiplexer (MUX) with 32 inputs, each 32 bits in size. That’s 1024 input wires, 5 selection wires, and 32 output wires. All of a sudden one million transistors doesn’t seem that big anymore…

   assign rdat1 = registers[rsel1];
   assign rdat2 = registers[rsel2];