
Welcome to my portfolio website. This site is part blog, part project showcase, and part experiment.

IBM Wheelwriter30

Two years ago I picked up an IBM Wheelwriter30 (a paper teletype console) at the Purdue surplus store. I removed the keyboard from the larger machine with the intention of creating a USB keyboard with it but it sat in my parents garage until the fall of 2020. I recently bought a Planck keyboard running the open source QMK firmware, so I had a great starting place from which to reverse engineer the IBM Wheelwriter.

Tetris hand-held console

It’s Tetris! You already know what to do! This project was a four person effort to build a portable Tetris game from scratch. We programmed in C on bare metal, we fabricated a custom PCB, and ultimately we succeeded in creating a fun (even addicting) game with persistent high-scores! It’s an old-school arcade game in your hand.


This is the largest digital design project I’ve completed. This project represents the work of myself and one other student as we worked together in a Computer Architecture course to build a dual core MIPS CPU. It was a great project to dig a little deeper into some of the pillars of modern computer architecture.

Musical-lights system

I heard about individually addressable LED strips and immediately started thinking about cool ways to light up my room. This project is my attempt to create something with RGB LEDs that isn’t tacky. The system taps into my Spotify account and sets the ambient color of the LEDs according to the “mood” of the song. The project has grown to include the lights on the case fans of my desktop, as well as the RGB lights on my keyboard.

Byte-size projects

Here are the smaller side projects I’ve been working on. Mechanical keyboards, Microcontroller boards, Telegram Bots.